Prorate Services by MKON in Calgary, Alberta

Complete ProRate Services in Calgary, Edmonton and across Alberta

How can MKON help with your Prorate?

We make ProRate simple.

At MKON, we understand that trucking is more than just hitting the road - it's about navigating through the maze of regulations like the Prorate system, or International Registration Plan (IRP), too. That's where MKON shines. As your devoted Prorate specialists in Calgary, Edmonton, and all across Alberta, we meticulously and efficiently manage all your Prorate needs, enabling you to concentrate on what you excel at, running a trucking business.

  • We will handle your ProRate account registration and changes.

  • We will calculate your mileage data to ensure accurate tax apportionment, every quarter, ensuring you meet all jurisdictional tax obligations.

  • We ensure adherence to the many and complex jurisdictional tax laws, keeping you compliant and worry-free.

  • We lift the Prorate complexities off your shoulders, offering dependable, precise, and friendly service, crafted to keep your operations flowing seamlessly and cost-effectively.

    MKON is the most value-driven service provider in the transporation industry, making cross-border tax compliance affordable, timely and straightforward.

What is ProRate and how does it work?

ProRate and International Registration Plan (IRP)

ProRate, known as the International Registration Plan (IRP), is a system that distributes fuel tax charges based on the miles driven in each jurisdiction. With ProRate, you obtain a fuel use license, enabling you to operate across multiple jurisdictions, states and provinces, without the need for separate licenses. It collaborates with the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) to simplify fuel tax compliance across the US and Canada.

Learn more about ProRate from the official IRP website.

Is ProRate Necessary?

ProRate registration is optional for carriers operating within a single jurisdiction. However, expanding your operations across multiple states and/or provinces will most likely require ProRate and IFTA registration, aligning with the specific regulations of those areas.

Difference Between IFTA and ProRate

While IFTA eases the reporting of fuel usage, ProRate apportions fuel tax costs based on the miles driven in each jurisdiction. Both systems work together to streamline tax compliance for carriers operating across borders in Canada and the United States.

Why MKON is Your Go-To for Prorate

  • Streamlined Licensing: MKON simplifies the Prorate licensing process, aiding in efficient cross-border travels and tax payments.

  • Paperwork Reduction: Our services consolidate registration and tax processes into one system, significantly cutting down on paperwork.

  • Cost Efficiency: With Prorate, pay only for the miles driven in each jurisdiction, leading to notable cost savings on registration and tax charges.

  • Simplified Tax Reporting: We ease the tax reporting process by amalgamating information from different jurisdictions into a single report.

  • Operational Flexibility: Prorate allows for border crossings without extra permits, broadening your business horizons and unlocking new opportunities.

  • Effortless Compliance: MKON ensures easy adherence to registration and tax regulations with verifiable Prorate credentials.

  • Enhanced Competitiveness: Lower operational costs and simplified processes enable you to offer competitive rates and superior services to your customers.

  • Guided Application Process: We steer you through the Prorate application process, ensuring compliance and averting potential fines or penalties.

  • Stay Informed: MKON keeps you updated on any Prorate licensing changes, ensuring ongoing compliance.

At MKON, we bear the brunt of ProRate complexities so you can focus on your core trucking operations. Our dedicated service, rooted in expertise and customer-centric approach, ensures a smooth, reliable, and friendly experience. Dive deeper into how MKON assists with Prorate and other services by exploring our services page. Contact us today to discover how we can drive ease and efficiency into your cross-border transportation endeavors.